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woman walking in Sydney Balmain East Harbour

We're BACK from Sydney with LOVE!

We left Switzerland with a thirst for adventure and a desire to soak up the sun and surf in Australia. The idea of trading in the alpine landscapes and precision watches for a laid-back beach lifestyle was too good to resist. So, we packed our bags and set off for the Land Down Under.

As we boarded the plane, we couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Australia was a world away from our familiar Swiss surroundings, and we knew we were in for a completely different experience.

When we arrived in Australia, we were greeted by a warm climate and friendly locals who made us feel right at home. The beach lifestyle was everything we hoped it would be, and we spent our days soaking up the sun, surfing, and exploring the stunning coastline. The natural beauty of Australia was awe-inspiring, and we felt a deep connection to the land and sea.

As we delved deeper into Australian culture, we discovered a melting pot of nationalities and a unique way of life that celebrated diversity and inclusivity. We sampled the local cuisine, which was a fusion of flavors from around the world, and we were blown away by the quality of the coffee.

However, our time in Australia was not without its challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic hit, and life as we knew it came to a halt. We were forced to adjust to a new normal, with social distancing measures and lockdowns becoming a part of daily life. It was a difficult time, but we were inspired by the resilience and strength of the Australian people.

Despite the challenges, we came away from our time in Australia with a newfound appreciation for life, a deeper connection to nature, and a sense of community that we had never experienced before. We will always be grateful for the memories and experiences we had in this beautiful country.

Now, as we return to Switzerland, we carry with us the lessons we learned in Australia. We are inspired to bring a little of that laid-back, sun-kissed lifestyle back with us, while also appreciating the precision and discipline that Switzerland is known for. It's an exciting time, and we look forward to seeing where this new perspective takes us.

As we look back on our time in Australia and reflect on our experiences, we're excited to share that we're not just returning to Switzerland with a new perspective - we're also embarking on a new chapter in our professional lives.

After much thought and consideration, we've decided to rebrand our publication, The Expat, as Bliss Magazine. The name change reflects our focus on providing content that inspires, uplifts, and brings a sense of joy and fulfillment to our readers. We want to create a community that celebrates diversity, embraces new experiences, and encourages personal growth.

Our time in Australia played a significant role in this decision. As we traveled and explored the country, we were struck by the sense of joy and contentment that seemed to permeate the culture. From the relaxed beach lifestyle to the vibrant food scene, there was a palpable feeling of bliss that we couldn't ignore.

With the launch of Bliss Magazine, we aim to capture that sense of bliss and share it with our readers. We'll continue to provide content that speaks to the expat community, but we'll also expand our focus to include topics like wellness, mindfulness, and personal development.

We're excited to see where this new venture takes us and to continue to share our passion for fashion, travel, culture, and the luxury lifestyle with our readers. Whether you're an expat or a local, we hope that Bliss Magazine will bring a little bit of joy and inspiration to your day.


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